Candidates scorecard
See attached PDF for Massachusetts House and State Senate 2024 Immigration candidate rankings
The Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform (MCIR) ratings for
Candidates for the state legislature are shown below.
Incumbent senators and representatives are rated based on their records in
office. Non-incumbents are rated based upon their voluntary response to the MCIR Survey.
Candidates received their rating based upon support of:
- A residency requirement for the state’s Right to Shelter Law;
- Requirements for all employers in Massachusetts to use the Federal E-
- Verify system to authenticate the legal status of employees;
- Cooperation between state and local law enforcement and Federal
immigration authorities, especially ICE, in identifying apprehending and
removing criminal aliens
- A “No” vote in June 2022 of the proposal to override Governor Baker’s
veto of the state law authorizing driver’s licenses for persons who are in the
country in violation of our laws;
Opposition to:
- Sanctuary policies that shield criminal aliens from deportation
- Proposals to give extra-constitutional rights to persons in detention for
crimes with respect to communication with ICE
- Government subsidies (e.g., mortgages, in-state college tuition, public
housing etc.) for persons without lawful immigration status
If your not sure of who your legislators are, click here.
MCIR never endorses candidates. We recognize that voters decide based on many
issues as well judgments about the character and leadership of each candidate.
What we offer is a way for voters to know which candidates share their goals and
If you are not sure of who your legislators are, you can use this link:
Non Incumbent House & Senate Candidate Scorecard
House Incumbent Scorecard
Senate Incumbent Scorecard
MCIR Candidate Survey
Spreadsheet of how Senate & House Incumbents voted on bills and how that scored on our survey